My Hopes For Next Semester…

So far this year, I have really enjoyed the space we’ve gotten to expand as individuals. We now have the freedom to add our own “flair” to the assignments we’re creating, and the topics are broad enough that we can interpret them in our own way. I’m beginning to come into my own style, and I’m finding the things that I love to do most. One of my favorite assignments was the narrative. I love the idea of telling stories through images, and I think that project best shows my favorite style of photography; dreamlike and surreal in a realistic way. Next semester, I think it would be really cool to work with some artist inspiration images. By learning about other artists and finding out how they create their work, we can interpret those styles in our own way and find out what things we like and would like to incorporate in our own images. Additionally, I adore mixed-media project, like fuji transfers and framing photographs with wooden blocks. They result in unique pieces that I can use as gifts or keep for myself as cool decorations. I also plan on experimenting more next semester with subject matter, color, and other photographic elements in my images. By the end of the year, I hope to accumulate a diverse and exciting portfolio of images. 

The iPhone-captured Generation


 Since my two-year-old nephew, Anton, was born, I have become acutely away of the conveniency of phone photography. I don’t have an iPhone, but when I notice how easy it is for my sisters to capture adorable moments like the ones above, I wish that I did. It’s inconvenient to whip out and adjust the lens of my digital camera every time Anton hugs the cat or is pulled in for a kiss by his next-door neighbor, but it would be sad to let these moments slip by. The solution? Just whip out your smartphone, and at the your fingertips is a camera equipped to send your pictures directly out into the blogosphere, or Facebook, or in this case Instagram. Kids Anton’s age have childhoods that are extremely well documented thanks to their parent’s iPhones. Though there are some nice pictures of me as a little girl, I can’t say that my parents whipped out the camera for all my life moments, perhaps not even all the milestones. But for Anton, every moment of cuteness is documented, and I think that is a definite score.

Surreal Photography


Surreal Photography

We just wrapped up our surreal assignment this week with a critique, and viewing everyone’s work clued me in on something I find really interesting about surrealist photography; the idea of surrealist photography is to represent something unrealistic, not necessarily using photoshop to distort a photograph into something that could never occur in reality. The photograph above is a perfect example of this: Although the scene is surreal and unsettling, it could actually occur. I don’t doubt that the photographer had a real person dress up as a astronaut and cross the street aflame. I love heavily manipulated photographs as well, but I think it takes a true artist to manipulate reality in order to create something surreal, and that talent is something I highly respect.

Our Senses


Our Senses

I found this photograph on Tumblr. I couldn’t track down the original source, but I really loved the composition. I think this is a really interesting way to represent human beings. It is up-close and personal without being “in your face”. I think the handwriting below each image is also a nice touch. I love photographing human subjects, and I think this kind of idea would be interesting to try in the future.

The Dinosaur Museum


The Dinosaur Museum

When I first moved to Tucson, I was seven years old. Whenever we used to pass what I called “the dinosaur museum”, I used to be terrified, because I believed the old building was filled with real live dinosaurs that could break out and get me at any moment. I snapped this picture a few weeks ago, because now the building represents familiarity with a place that was once new to me. After ten years, Tucson is my home, and all of its quirky buildings are comforts rather than frights.

Amazing Artwork Using Glass and Light


“Soo Sunny Park (b. Seoul, Korea) – Unwoven Light at Rice University’s Rice Gallery in Houston, Texas. Composed of 37 individual sculptural units, the installation uses iridescent plexi-glass embedded in pieces of a chain link fence to cast shimmering, colorful reflections across the spacious gallery.”

I think this installation is amazing. This artist used light in a creative and beautiful way, and as the light changes, so too does the artwork change. 




Though I love my brother dearly, he can sometimes be extremely difficult to get along with. He often disagrees for the fun of it. Capturing his “true self” is rare, because he likes to joke around whenever I bring out the camera. I love this shot, because I snapped it right after calling his name, and he didn’t get a chance to pull a face or spin back around. He isn’t smiling , his expression is pretty neutral, but I like that, because it captured the calm moment that was taking place when I took the picture, and I think it nicely represents Sky when he isn’t trying to be anyone but himself.




Recently, I’ve become extremely interested in tattoos. Though I’m terrified of needles, and will most likely never get one myself, I am fascinated by other people’s and love the way they look. I appreciate the amount of creativity involved in designing them, and the symbolism of their permanence. This one is one of my favorites among those I’ve seen.

The Dream


The Dream

When I was younger, I used to have recurring dreams all the time. I wouldn’t say they plagued me, because they were never really terrible nightmares; never the kind of dreams that wake you up in the middle of the night and leave you shaken. The one I remember most vividly is the one I chose to photographically represent. A bowl of soup sits on the table, but there are no spoons to be found. Just forks. Forks everywhere. I think this dream holds an element of humor, but it also represents the intense frustration of knowing what you need, or what you want, and not being able to have it. I chose to make the image so simple and the colors muted because that is the nature of the problem the dream presents. A simple enough conflict but meaningful nonetheless.

Mixed Media Projects


Mixed Media Projects

Some of my favorite photography projects have been mixed media assignments we’ve had. I think it’s really fascinating to mix studio arts and photography, and makes me feel as though I’ve created something truly unique and useful. This photograph was glued to a wooden board and made into a sort of hanging frame. I would love the opportunity to experience more of this kind of project in the future. Though I love just taking photographs, it’s always exciting to be able to mix that art with other creative expressions as well.